Back Burner Download

2020. 2. 15. 23:18카테고리 없음

  1. Back Burner Mp3 Download

Backburner is a queue manager for background processing and distributed network processing. It allows multiple jobs, suchas I/O operations, grading, composites, and animation scenes, to be processed by many computers on the same network.By default it is installed on all Creative Finishing workstations, but you can install it on networked computers if you wantto offload some processing.If you do not want to use the local Backburner Manager installed on your workstation, type the following commands to disableit. Chkconfig backburnermanager off/etc/init.d/backburnermanager stopIf you stopped the local Manager, open /usr/discreet/backburner/cfg/ and delete 'localhost', and enter the hostname of the system where Backburner Manager is installed.LinuxInstall Backburner on a Linux workstation:. As root, in a terminal, if installing from the application DVD, mount the DVD, navigate to the dist subdirectory of the applicationdirectory, and install the Backburner packages with: rpm -Uvh backburner.386.rpm.

Back Burner Mp3 Download

If the application DVD includes an installation script for Backburner, use that instead. If installing from the downloaded package, navigate to the sub-directory for the installed Linux distribution and run theinstallation script by typing:./INSTALL.

Follow the prompts to install the Backburner Manager and/or Backburner Server, per your configuration requirements. Once completed,you are returned to the command prompt.

If this is an upgrade, installation is complete. Otherwise, you may need to run additional installation Run the Backburner configuration script to set up the Backburner Manager and Backburner Server: /usr/discreet/backburner/backburnerConfig. Check if the manager and server are configured to start automatically: chkconfig -list grep -i backburner.

Levels 3, 4, and 5 must be set to “on” for the daemons to start automatically. If no output appears, or if the output isdifferent from the above, please contact Customer Support.

OS XInstall Backburner on a Mac workstation:. Run the Smoke for Mac installer and follow the installation wizard. Once completed open Applications Autodesk Autodesk Systems MonitorTo configure the Backburner Server:. In the Terminal run ps -ef grep backburner. Ensure the host name of the Backburner Manager appears in /usr/discreet/backburner/cfg/ This is used by the Backburner Server to locate the manager.

Restart the Backburner Server so that it picks up the new settings: /usr/discreet/backburner backburner restart. WindowsSupported Operating Systems. Windows XP Professional (SP2 or higher) 32 or 64 bit. Windows 7 Professional 32 or 64 bitInstallation. Download the appropriate file for your system from Autodesk. Unzip the package and run the backburner.exe. Follow the installation prompts in the installer.Start and configure the Backburner Server:.


From the Start menu, choose Programs, Autodesk, Backburner, and then Server. The first time you start the application, theGeneral Properties dialog appears. Enter the host name, server name, or IP address of the Backburner Server in the Server Name or IP Address field. This is theaddress that is used by the manager to communicate with the server. Disable Automatic Search, and enter the host name, server name, or IP address of the Backburner Manager.

Automatic searchingis not recommended, since it makes extensive use of network resources and can be slow. Modify other configuration settings for the manager, as desired. Click OK to start the application. The Backburner Server GUI appears, displaying startup messages as it loads plug-ins andconnects to the Backburner Manager. Ensure a connection is established with the Backburner Manager before continuing.

To change the information that gets displayed in the GUI and/or written to the log file, from the Edit menu, choose Log Settings. Click OK to save your changes. The configuration settings are written to for example C:Documents and SettingsLocal SettingsApplication Databackburnerbackburner.xml.

To restore the default settings, delete the backburner.xml file. This file contains the configuration settingsfor all Backburner components installed on the same machine. You must restart the Backburner Server for your changes to takeeffect.Backburner Server configuration. Server Name or IP Address: The host name or IP address the Backburner Server uses to identify itself to the Backburner Manager.It is helpful when a render node has more than one network interface card, hence more than one IP address.

Manager Port: The port number used by the Backburner Manager. Changing this port number from its default value is not recommended.When using a different port, be sure to change the value on each Backburner component. Server Port: The port used by the render node. Changing this port number from its default value is not recommended. Whenusing a different port, be sure to change the value on each Backburner component.

Make sure to configure any firewall to allowaccess to the manager and server ports. Otherwise, Backburner components will not be able to communicate. Automatic Search: Enable to allow the Backburner Server to search for a Backburner Manager using the TCP/IP subnet mask shown.It connects to the first manager found. Disabling this option reduces Backburner network traffic, and is the recommended option.You must then specify the Backburner Manager explicitly in the Enter Manager Name or IP Address field.

Enter Manager Name or IP AddressThe name of the workstation on which the Backburner Manager is running. Alternately, its IPaddress or Domain Name System (DNS) name can be used. This option can be used to address issues arising from running multipleBackburner Managers on the same TCP/IP subnet.

For example, you can enter the Manager system's IP address to avoid any problemsor conflicts caused by improper implementation of DNS. You can also use this option to segment your render farm by specifyingthe Backburner Manager to which each Render Node connects.To set up Backburner Server to run as a Window service:. Create a 'privileged' user account to give the Backburner Server access to the network mountpoints containing the needed frames,textures, scenes, storage, etc. You create a user account for use by the Backburner Server service using the the Windows ControlPanel. You must create the identical account on all workstations serving as render nodes. Then, when you give that accountread/write access to network mountpoints, all render nodes will have the same access. Configure Backburner Server as a Windows service with serversvc.exe.

Running the Backburner Server as a service changes thelocation of the backburner.xml and log files to /backburner subdirectories of the per-user application data directory subdirectoriesbelonging to the Local Service user. These directories are hidden to non-administrative level users. For example, on WindowsXP: C:Documents and SettingsLocal ServiceLocal SettingsApplication Databackburner backburner.xml.

To install and register Backburner Server as a service: in the Backburner root directory run serversvc -i. The next time you start the workstation, Backburner Server is started automatically. Remove the service with serversvc -r. Start the service without rebooting from the Windows Services dialog.

By right-clicking the entry for Backburner Server andchoosing Properties, you can set a number of parameters, including the account under which the service logs on, and recoveryoptions. Assign the privileged user account to the service so it starts as that user. Grant the user account read/write access to theneeded mountpoints. Go to Administrative Tools Services, right-click the Backburner Server item and choose Properties. On the Log On tab, choose This Account and enter the name of the privileged user you created earlier. If a user account wascreated on the domain, enter domain nameuser name as This Account, or browse the domain for the user.

In the Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the password for the user account. Click OK to exit the Properties dialog. If the service is started, stop it by right-clicking the item and choosing Stop. Right-click the item and choose Start torestart the service with the newly assigned user.

COMMON If you put a project or issue on the back burner, you decide not to do anything about it until a later date. Note: A burner is one of the rings or plates on the top of a cooker. She put her career on the back burner after marrying her co-star two years ago. People's dreams have once again been put on the back burner as they concern themselves with survival from one day to the next. Note: Back burner is used in other structures and expressions with a similar meaning.


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